
What is a good drill to hit down on a golf ball to get spin?

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What is a good drill to hit down on a golf ball to get spin?




  1. Take a heavy iron (you can use a wood if you choose) and practice hitting down. Pretty logical really.

  2. I don't know about a drill, but if you put the ball far enough back in your stance, you have to hit down on it.

  3. Two things needed for spin. Crisp contact and ball matching your desired spin. When hitting your wedges make sure you have chosen one with the right amount of bounce. This can really change the way the club pinches the ball. Too much and you will never really shave the cover so to speak. Too little and your contact has to be dead on. Make sure that you are playing a 3 or 4-piece urethane covered ball. Preferably one with a very thin cover. Also be realistic under the playing conditions. How receptive is the green? If its rock hard spinning the ball will be different then if the greens are soft and the ball sinks and or plugs slightly.

    With the mid irons work the ball. If you need more spin often a fade will bring the ball in hot. Try cutting the ball into the flag, this can really rev up the spin as well. If the wind is with you, take more club and hit it a little higher to generate more backspin.

    Its not so much hitting down its more about for me at least trapping the ball against the grooves with solid contact.

  4. First, stop worrying about backspin. A good swing with good contact will give you all the backspin needed.  At the moment of impact, the club should still be traveling downward.  Check your ball position. The divot should start slightly after impact.

  5. If you have good fundamentals and mechanics, ball will spin automatically.. Hitting through the ball will help this to.. If you focus on hitting down on the ball, you'll create lots of problems.. Greg Norman spun the ball a bunch, but didn't take divots...

  6. try this, grab an iron, get on an upsloape (where your front shoulder is much higher than the back shoulder) and practice what it feels like to hit down on the ball.  

    Now you at least know what it feels like because you almost have to hit down on the ball and take a monster divot.  

    Or, take a short iron and play the ball in the front of your stance. You will be forced to "go get" the ball and should help drive down through the ball once you place it back in the correct position in your stance!  Good luck!

  7. you will need a stick of some sort, (like a broom/mop handle or a stick from a craft store). hold it with your left hand, swing like you were chipping. make sure your wrist comes before the hand. do the same for your right hand. after you practice each arm try them together in little chip shots, then practice real shots. you can do this at home on your carpet. brush the carpet just like you want to brush the grass. it will give you a sense of hitting "down" on the ball and a feeling of the fairway grass. you can also do this drill with a real club, i just use a stick because i can hold it with one hand and i can use it inside.

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