
What is a good drug for me to start?

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I get paranoid when I smoke weed and I dont really like drinking, what is a good drug for me?

I know heroin is highly addicting but I have nothing to live for, I have a feeling I will enjoy it, also is it possible to die of a heroin overdose and is that painful?

I guess I am looking for a drug that will give me something to live for that wont make me depressed and wont make me paranoid




  1. I tried all those things and then tried them again. If you dont like pot then you prob wont like the rest either. Death by heroin is nasty.

    Dont live for drugs live for yourself.

    Find something you love to do and find a way to get paid to do it.

    art, sport, write, fish, what ever..............

    It took me 40 years3 kids a marriage and many jobs to figure that out.

    drugs aint the answer. youll get some other responses...stop here.

  2. Try salvia. It's a spiritual journey type drug, best done alone or with one or two other calm people.

  3. Seriously? Are you for ReAl? Anything can be addictive, and yes you can die of heroine OD--though I have no idea if it's painful. But jeeze, just for fun, get addicted to painkillers and have fun in rehab! No paranoia with vicodine, but the come off makes you itch like h**l. And say goodbye to your liver...

  4. Whoa dude, you're crazy.

    Are you sure you want to mess up your life like that? I think people who do drugs are really pathetic and better off dead.

    Think about it, you're taking life for granted. You should be happy you were born and in such a way that you can afford to be a healthy person.

    I don't think there's such thing as good drugs (except for medicine and stuff).

    Why don't you try out a hobby? Everyone gets depressed and goes through problems, but those who don't try to make it better are losers in life. I don't think you want to be like that. There is so much beauty in the world, so much to see and so many possibilities. Do you really just want to throw away your chances and potential?

    I don't believe in heaven and h**l and would like to find my way through my struggles and live a long life in which I could enjoy what I have around me.

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