
What is a good drug to help you think, remember, concentrate, and stay focused?

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I go to college and it is hard staying focused on any projects or papers I have to do. Trying to remember something even if I heard it within 10 min. is difficult. I know there was a drug that collegians used for this but I can't remember if it was legal or not or the name of it. I don't want illegal anything!!!

Any suggestions???




  1. Adderall I have adhd and that's exactly what it makes me do stay focused and pay attention to things I'm supposed to be focusing on. Bur its over the counter. So your going to have to buy them from some one.

  2. If you don't have a sleep disorder or ADD, there is no drug that will do this for you and none that will be legally prescribed.  This includes the Provigil someone mentioned below - if you have a sleeping disorder it will make you more alert and focused.  If you don't, it will have no effect.

    I'd suggest studying in a cool quiet place with no distractions, like the library.  And relying on the power of your brain rather than on drugs.

  3. As previously mentioned, Adderall and Ritalin are powerful stimulants that can assist and help you pay attention and remember things, but there is also a safer choice that is not a stimulant.

    The drug I am talking about is called Provigil. It is called a "Smart Drug" that is supposed to make you feel more awake, improve memory and cognative functions. As a matter of fact, the pilots who fly the new and VERY expensive F22 Raptors for the Air Force are given this drug on occassion to ensure they are completely alert without any side effects of a stimulant.

    Provigil is available with a prescription but is not a controlled drug.

    Good luck and I wish you the best!

  4. okay this might not be something you'd do but try talking vitamins, take some vitamin B's to help focus try more natural stuff first. It just better for your body. Try ginko i think it called. See if that doesn anything first before talking drugs. Im a registered pharm tech. and the above drugs that where mentioned really put your brain threw the ringer. Plus there tons of side effects i see it everyday. I mean you might be focusing better but do you really want to have sweaty hands, high pluse rate, anxiety, insomina etc...

  5. ADD drugs (Adderall, Ritalin, etc.) are often prescribed for conditions like yours.  These drugs are powerful stimulants which are often abused.  Used under a doctors care, they can be useful, but you should try not to rely on a drug to function.

    They're legal with a prescription.


  6. Cocaine is good for keeping you awake if you need to stay up and revise. However, it is illegal in many places.

    Perhaps your concentration problem is actually due to drugs? I would certainly recommend that you try to avoid excessive use of alcohol and/or cannabis during your exams as both of these can have a detrimental effect on your ability to concentrate.

  7. Provigil is so unnecessarily  expensive. a cheaper and alternative to it is adrafinil. it basically metabolizes to the same chemical provigil does, but it doesnt reach high enough levels to achieve the same results, however it works fine. its a sulfur compound so it makes your urine smell horribly, however at regular doses it doesnt have any contraindications, or side effects. other "smart drugs" include, piracetam, hydergine, vinpocentine, and the hormone vasopressin.

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