
What is a good first pet?

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wht is a good pet i should get?




  1. a dog

  2. Well that depends on your lifestyle, age, how much money you're willing to spend[or how much your parents are willing to spend], the amount of space you want it to take up and weather you want a cuddly fuzzy pet or one to watch and maybe handle some or one you can take out with you everywhere.

    Dogs- Friendly, pretty general care and there's a breeds that can fit into any situation and lifestyle, and they can do lotsa tricks.

    Cats-independant, really easy to care for, and they always like people.

    Guinea pigs- Usually Skittish, don't like to be held a ton and need there cage cleaned out every 6 days or so. but they can be litter trained.

    Ferrets- need a huge cage with lot of levels,need time out of there cage, & like a lot of attention and toys. can also be litter trained.

    Rabbits-need a ton of attention, time out of there cage, can be litter trained also, need lots of toys.

    Hamsters-don't need much attention they're pretty content to just run on there wheel and sleep.

    Mice-same deal as with Hamsters.

    Rats-need some attention, toys and stuff to climb on and time out of there cage.

    and I don't know much about other kinds of pets. I've just had experience with the ones I've mentioned.

    Goodluck on your possible new pet. :]

  3. a slug, a tarantula, something like that

  4. well if your responsible, and home alot get a kitten. i had a kitten a year ago now its a full grown cat and it loves me, it follows me everywhere and always wants to play

  5. a rabbit their good pets and their awesome!

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