
What is a good first sport bike to start with?

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Something Not to bad but either Not to good.i'm a beginner and don't really know much just wondering what would be a good bike to start with as i said befor.

An well would it be good to start with a busa?i don't think it would but ah.loli sure do love that bike.

l most forgot i know the busa ain't a gas saving machine so i'm looking at other choices as some people mention that the insurance is very high so what would be a good gas saving low insurance bike .

ah also How much hard is it to learn how to ride or is it the same with a car.

Cheers for any responds.




  1. the ones with the chains and handle bars and tires!!

  2. Well the first thing you need to do is to take the riding course thru the MSF. This will teach you the basics of throttle control, accident avoidance, and the rules of the road.

    Then I would recommend the Ninja 250 for the following reasons:

    Enough Power To Have Fun, But Not Enough To Intimidate You

    Light and Easy To Handle And Maneuver

    Cheap (Probably Less Than $2k For A 2005)

    Has Been Very Popular So They Are Readily Available

    Lower Insurance Rates

    Great Resale Value When You Decide To Move Up

    Whatever you choose, please get and wear all of your protective gear including helmet, boots, gloves, jacket and pants. You will be very thankful when you drop it. Also, because you will drop it while learning, don't go new. Buy the used one, beat it up a little and then when you get comfortable go buy that bigger shiny new one.

  3. if i were you i would start with a 600cc like a ninja 600, or a yzf-600r and also pay the 200 bucks and get the Motorcycle Safety Foundation course its two days and it teaches you the basics to better prepare you for riding as well as gives you a little discount your state has a representative all you have to do is look it up, also most harley dealerships offer the class for free if you by a harley or buell sport bike, it is a great class

  4. gixxer 750cc. if you get a 600cc, about 2 weeks you'll wish you got something a little more powerful, but if you got a 1000cc you'll wish you got something a little lighter that you can throw around easier.

  5. Busa for a first bike? Are you insane? Even a Ninja 600 is a handfull for a beginner. Think about a ninja 500R it's fast enough for highway speeds and won't scare the c**p out of you. You will also learn more. Ride it for a year (often, not just on weekends when the weather is nice) then upgrade to a 600.

    A skilled rider on a 600 will wipe the floor with a 1000 or a busa ridden by a less skilled one. Don't let anyone tell you a 600 isn't a VERY capable bike.

    Understand that you might get a 600 and avoid crashing (doubtfull). But this doesn't mean you're a good rider. The most skilled riders out there started on small bikes.

    And all the best and most experienced riders wear their GEAR! Helmet gloves, a good armoured leather jacket...Think about it. As a beginner, crashes are pretty much guaranteed. Gear will save your skin. I speak from experience.

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