
What is a good gift for a baby shower?

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It is a girl.

The mother told me she doesn't need any more clothes.

The mother hates winnie the pooh stuff.

I already have a stuffed animal and baby einstein books and im thinking about getting a blanket and making a basketof things but what else could i put inside there.

I need lots of ideas so put everything you can think of!

Thanks! :)





  2. A couple of feeding bottles, pacifiers, bibs, burping cloths, baby towels, baby spoons, baby wipes, maybe an extra crib sheet, baby shampoo, baby bath products. There are lots and lots of cute, small baby items you could put in a basket and give to her.

  3. Diapers, NO newborn or size 1.  Get size 3 or 4.  Those r the ones that baby is going to wear the most of.  Also, wipes and baby wash!

  4. You could make a pretty basket out of diapers, wipes, baby wash, just the basics but arrange it in an interesting way.  

  5. A basket of things is a great idea. Get small items that most people don't think of. Such as:

    bibs, toys,lotion, bath soap,washcloths,bottle washer,pacifiers,wipes,baby powder,...just stuff like that. Its things she will always need!

  6. diapers, you can never have too many diapers.

  7. I would not get diapers. Some people have a very specific brand they like. I would consider getting things for when the child is older, sippy cups, bowls, spoons. Or get a gift card.

  8. What i always do is buy a cheap clothes basket, and fill it with all the essentials mommy is going to baby lotion, diapers, baby wash, q-tips, cotton balls, was clothes, etc. i always make that my gift...and you know mommy is going to use it! decorate the basket with little pink and purple ribbons. it will look adorable!

  9. It depends on how well you know her and how much you're looking to spend.

    I'm not into animals on baby gear either, so I'd steer clear of that and maybe go with keepsakes. Like a hand mold or baby journal. Everyone can appreciate wanting to document all the milestones.

  10. Just give a gift card.  Don't give her a blanket... she'll get more blankets then she'll ever use.  Books are a great idea... but a gift card will let her go out and buy something she really likes.

  11. technology, everybody loves technology. maybe you could try scoring for a nice blanket, that's softer than silk?

  12. A diaper cake, those are the coolest things for a gifts

  13. This is what I did for my older sister baby #2

    I got a laundry basket and filled with





    bottle brush



    burp cloths



    shampoo ( johnsons all in one)


    nail clippers

    a few outfits

    and a few other things.. basically went for one of everything at the $$ store baby section

  14. paternity test

  15. For a girly hair bows and things like that...

  16. A gift card to BabiesRus... never fails.

  17. I think that if you're tired of the same old Baby Shower gifts you should read some tips about it at:

  18. Hey I would get some necessity items like wipes diapers, BATTERIES, a chemical free laundry soap, something for the mama like a journal Ohhh for the mom this book called Wiped I can't remember the authors name though, but its the same person from Knocked up....that book is so funny, I got one for all my friends that are new moms and have lent my copy out to so many people!

    and also you should look at this webpage

  19. the boppy

    things that you think she wil have enough of.. but then everyone thinks this way so she has less than she needs... like onzies and diapers and bottle nipples hhahaha

  20. Diapers!  In the next size or two up - you can't go wrong there.  Also, clothes for 6-9 months and up.  People get bombarded with all the newborn needs but then have to start shopping for their child once they hit that 6 month mark.  I know it may seem strange, and very practical but they are items that are needed and will be used.

  21. I like giving consumables:

    - diapers

    - wipes

    - baby detergent

    - baby wash

    - bibs

    - baby nail clippers

    - lanolin for the nursing mother

    - put it all in a laundry basket and you've got a great gift!

  22. Buy gifts of the registry for the basket.

    Maybe even buy a gift card for a pizza place.

    That way when baby is here & mom is starving she has a quick fix.

  23. Toiletry stuff, like baby oil, baby shampoo, baby brush, soothers, baby powder. Lots of receiving blankets, a mother can never have too many.

  24. Does she have a registry?  If so, go on there and pick out what she really needs.   I would get diapers, and maybe some bath items like washcloths and baby lotion, shampoo etc.  Get some teethers, and bibs.  burp cloths, babies go through tons of bibs, I am constanly washing mine everyday!

  25. Get her a "Hoodie Hider". These are cool. I found great designs at this site. Plus they have cute hats for babby too.

  26. IF u wanted to do like a clothesbasket full of "goodies" u could always put in a firstaid kit that has all baby medicine necessities like babytylenol and such. You could put in a pack of size 1 diapers (they grow out of newborn so quickly) you could put in baby bath and lotion. ALSO a biggie is diaper rash cream. I absolutely LOVE balmex CREAMY. Its like vaseline and doesnt stick to baby's bottom like the desitin does. You could get receiving blankets, baby towels, baby washcloths, GIFT CARDS (a great idea in case the mommy to be doesnt get everything she needs, she can easily pick it up herself) you could get her bottles, wipes, bottle cleaner, bottle drying rack, pacifiers, baby socks and mittens.... there is a whole lot of things to consider... Any store u visit will have such a huge baby selection. Just go into the baby section and pick out anything that will look good...good luck

  27. How about a hand and footprint kit?  That way the parents can treasure that forever!  Or a nice photo frame.

  28. raddles would b qood diappers wipes socks brushes and stuff to bathe the baby qirl

  29. a huge log of poo, jk, get her a tee shirt that says "im with stupid" that has an arrow pointing at the baby

  30. diapers....for sure

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