
What is a good gift idea for me to get my folks for their 25th ann.?

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What is a good gift idea for me to get my folks for their 25th ann.?




  1. A friend of mine recently threw a party to celebrate 50th anniversary of her parents. In the party she played a DVD on a big screen TV. The DVD was a 20-minute show of her parents' pictures (old & new), beautifully choreographed to music. And it was a huge success- her parents had tears in their eyes while watching there life being showcased on the big screen. The DVD was produced by  

    I am planning to do something similar for my upcoming wedding anniversary !!

  2. My brother (RIP) had a pic of my parents when they were much younger transferred into a painting. It was gorgeous! :D

  3. Depends on a lot of things...

    How old are you?  Will you be buying this alone, or with siblings?  What price range were you thinking?  What do you parents like to do?

    My sister, brother, and I got my parents a trip to Ireland for their 25th.  10 day trip with airfare and hotel (which included two meals per day), was about $350 per person.  We were all old enough that we could afford to spend it, and my parents love to travel but only dreamed of a Ireland vacation.  They always did the "typical" Caribbean, etc....

  4. My mom and her siblings all pitched in to send my grandparents on a trip for there anniversary!  I think that is a great idea! Also, a plaque with something very meaningful to them is nice too.

    Any thing from your heart will be great to them, don't worry! :)

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