
What is a good gift to give your daughter when she is moving away?

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What is a good gift to give your daughter when she is moving away?




  1. Going to Where? Locket, Family Pictures and (As Corny as it sounds, "To Be Opened Later") a letter knowing of your love and knowing she is always "Your Little Girl!"

  2. I would give my daughter a phone card or recharge for her phone so you know she has a way of getting onto you.

  3. How about a unique and classical-looking painting or portrait handmade from one of the family photos, etc? I am sure she will love to have it with her and to show it around. You can also select from her most favorite pictures. Just send the photo(s) to the professional artists at and they will do the rest for you – according to your taste! The same company also makes wonderful photo prints on canvas in various designs. Visit

  4. My parents are divorced and i lived mostly with my father and saw my mother once in a while. Slowly by slowly i stopped coming home and had started staying at my boyfriends more. I told my dad cuz of working late hours i was too tired to take the train home so i just kept staying over my friends. Wen he found out he was mad. But i was 18 so there wasn't much he could do.

    He stopped talking to me once in a while but around my birthday we started talking again. He took me out to dinner and brought me home afterwards. Before i got out the car he said he had a present for me.

    He gave me a box that i opened to find a picture of both my parents together with me wen i was little. I have brothers and a sister but the fact that it was just the 3 of us made it mean so much more.  It was very sentimental and ment SO much to me. If my house burned down that be the only thing id grab.

    Thats the best thing i could tell u to get for ur daughter.

  5. I would probably offer a gift card... along with some sort of memory keeper.... locket.

    Maybe you could start a mother/daughter book to send to her as well.

  6. MONEY!!!!! trust me, when I moved away i could have used a little extra of that. but depending on your daughters age, if your looking for something a little more heartfelt. Make her a scrap book of pictures from home, peices of cloth that will remind her of home, your perfume. or smells that will remind her of home. the smell of blush always reminds me of my moms hugs and sand and sable perfume...ahhhh the good ole days :o)

    also I have a bottle of honeysuckle nectar  in a dropper bottle my grandma gave me, she said if you get homesick to put two drops in your tea. I don't know if it helps but everytime i get homesick , i do it because my grandma knows best ..:o)

    hope this helps and good luck

  7. A set of house keys to let her know she is always welcome at home

  8. A personalized luggage bag. Have it embroidered with a custom design like the ones on this site:

    Good Luck!

  9. A Locket.

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