
What is a good golf score for your first time golfing? (9 holes)?

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What is a good golf score for your first time golfing? (9 holes)?




  1. it depends on the coarse. some courses a beginner could shoot a 50 others maybe a 80 or 90

    but all together anything lower than a 50 is pretty good and for girls you can add 10 strokes to all these numbers

  2. umm for ur first time. i would say for a par three. with an average of every hole being par 27. ur first time would b some where around 48.

    for a real course with an average of every hole being par 36. i would say that ur first time would be some where around 55.

  3. score can be important down the road if you're enjoying yourself and you like it ,and you enjoy who you are with. aid if you get a few lessons that helps from a teaching pro that friends  boyfriends or husbands

  4. it rele depends on the par of the course. if u shoot like 20 over par fo ur first time playin, then thats fantastic. if u shoot sumthin worse than that, dont worry bout it; just keep on playin n hv fun!

  5. If you had lessons prior to your first trip around the 9 hole course, a score of 48-55 would be pretty decent.

    If you never had a lesson, the number could be pretty high, I have seen scores into the 70's for 9 holes.

    If you honestly counted all the stokes and whiffs, etc. you could have a big number.  It is not an easy game.

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