
What is a good group insurance not through work?

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I need to find a good insurance that isnt too expensive. It would be me, my husband, and my son on there. I would like to have prescription benefits, maternity leave, a low co-pay, and other good medical benefits. Im looking for something in the range of around $350 or less.

I want a policy where they cant change the rates on me a million times. Im also looking for good life insurance policies for me and my husband. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You




  1. Great design, resourceful information,user-friendly layout should be a good place to answer your questions.

  2. Group insurance costs more than that available to indiviudals, so with that in mind why would you want a group policy even if it was available?

    I have quote engines on my site for both life and health -- neither require personal information to use (life quote engine works for all states, and the health in most states)

    Ignore the above answer about "AVERAGE" costs.  She has no idea what health insurance actually costs and 'average' costs do you no good.  If you lived where I lived I could get you a plan WITH maternity coverage for the whole family at $350/month up to age 45.  (I like some of her other answers but she is constantly dropping this notion that $300/month is the cost of insurance and over $1000 for families AND that's just way off).

  3. IN your dreams.  I'm not being a smart aleck, the product you are asking for, is NOT AVAILABLE at the price you want.

    There ISN'T group coverage outside of an employer.  If you're 30 and healthy, a plan WITHOUT maternity is going to cost, JUST YOU, $300 a month, for a no deductible plan.  Add maternity, and not only is it another $300 a month, but there's a year wait, before you can get pregnant.

    THe average family plan runs about $1100 a month - without maternity coverage.  And of course, as you only have three people, it will be medically underwritten - if you have stuff wrong, they'll either exclude you, or exclude that condition.  

    They don't raise the rates on you.  They only raise rates once a year, but you can pretty much count on them going up, for health insurance, every year.

    Sorry, a family of three that wants to have another baby, you KNOW that $350 a month you WANT to pay, won't come anywhere NEAR to paying what your expected claims will be.  

    There's no short cut, and there is no easy answer - shop around with a local agent, and maybe you can buy a high deductible ($10,000) plan for about that price range, without maternity.  That would mean, the first $10,000 of medical bills every year, comes out of your pocket.

    Not what you want to hear, I know.  But there it is.  Makes that job at Walmart not look quite so bad after all . .  

  4. There are no group policies available to individuals. There are companies that offer "group" policies, especially for the self-employed, but that is nothing more than a marketing gimmick. Those plans are still individual policies, usually not very comprehensive, and are underwritten as such.

    Rates for both group and individual policies can be changed. Some policies will change the rate on your birthday while others use an age bracket. Either way in the long run your increases are about the same. The companies also usually have an annual increase.

    Visit a local agent that works with all the major companies in your area. The agent can explain how all the plans work and can find the best plan for your situation and budget. There is no extra charge using an agent.

    Many health companies also have life insurance or the agent may contract with life companies and will be able to help you.

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