
What is a good gun to buy, that can fit under a skirt and strap on your thigh?

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What is a good gun to buy, that can fit under a skirt and strap on your thigh?




  1. Get the James Bond gun! A tiny Walther PPK in 380. They are super concealable, but still have adequate stopping power for their size.

  2. .357 wabbit !!!!

  3. Beretta Tomcat.  4.9" long, 14.5 ounces.  .32 ACP.

    I would use Winchester Silvertip .32 ACP ammunition.

  4. Walter PPK

  5. Veronica, that type of carry only works in Hollywood. Think about trying to get to the firearm in a hurry when some 250 lb nutcase is attacking you. Also, think about how difficult it is to hide there. On the inside of your thigh, it would rub and hurt you. On the front or outside of the thigh, it would be very visible and behind the thigh, it would hurt and be uncomfortable when you tried to sit. There are much better choices for a lady to conceal a pistol. A f***y pack with built in holster compartment, held closed with velcro is popular, a ccw purse with hidden holster, a shoulder holster, a day planner with hidden holster, a belly band or undershirt with built in hidden holster. These are all used by ladies to carry concealed, but remember that no single holster will fit all your needs. My wife uses a f***y pack, a ccw purse, an inside the waistband holster and a shoulder holster, depending on what she is wearing that day. As far as the firearm, the number one choice for a any person with little or no experience is still the very popular snub nosed revolver chambered in .38 special. Easy to conceal, simple to use, and very dependable as long as you buy a quality one. Other options are a derringer, ro if you have some training and experience, a small pistol. I suggest you go to a range that rents handguns and try a few, also go to the local gunshop and handle some.

    Good luck and shoot safe

  6. get any 9mm probably a glock lots of capacity for protection and ammo is fairly cheap

  7. Very small and light weight. Which translates to generally very underpowered. You might look into the Ruger LCP, lightweight compact pistol or something smaller.

    Having never worn a dress or tried to carry a concealed pistol on the inner thigh...That has got to be the most uncomfortable carry method known. I can't visualize a discrete draw either.

  8. Randy by far has gave you the best advice. The real world isn't like the movies. 90% of the attacks happen within 10 feet or less. The majority of them are within 6 feet. Being at that close a distance if you carry a gun like that what odds you give yourself of even getting to your gun?????

  9. OMG, Veronica I'm blushing!!!  (Lucky gun!)  Seriously, consider the new Ruger Elsie P (LCP).  Be sure and take the gun safety course first and get your CCW permit.  And please, don't have an accidental discharge!

    Good luck.


  10. A kel-tec: P3AT .380 or P32 .32.

    Ruger: LCP .380

    Sig Sauer: P232 .380

    Though i can't think of anyone that makes an inner thigh holster.

    I suggest taking a concealed carry class for better ideas on how to carry

  11. Where do you live?  Perhaps I can come over and help you measure for a proper holster that will fit snugly on your thigh.

    Ah, but seriously though.  I can understand that you might want to carry a handgun for protection (as a back-up) in such a location.  But just remember the risk that you are taking in doing so.  I used to carry a small caliber pistol in a waistband holster.  Then, I read some articles about the gun that I was carrying was known to sometimes discharge without the trigger being pulled (a light strike to the hammer would do it, even though it also had a hammer block mechanism - that didn't always work).  So, if I did carry that gun again, I made sure the CHAMBER WAS EMPTY.

    I agree with the former cop on here that suggests that you just deep six the idea and go with something more reasonable.  Just get some pepper spray or another means of protection that you can carry on your person.

  12. OK.  I'm not really sure the name of this gun (sorry!) but my Dad has one.  It is a .22 pistol, but it is so small it fits in the palm of my hand!  You can put it in a pocket, or just about anywhere it is so small.  And it will kill a lot of things.  What it won't kill, it will hurt real bad!  (unless, of course, we are talking about bears here ;)

  13. A small , lightweight gun, but practical is that? I think they just do that kind of thing in the movies. Just keep it in your dang purse.

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