
What is a good health insurance plan for a college student?

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I am 19 years old and in college. I am currently unemployed, and I have an awful back problem. I really need an x-ray, but I don't have any insurance. I've looked into some plans, but most plans just cover doctors visits, not x-rays. I need some advice ASAP!!




  1. The pickle is right, as usual. You don't wreck your car and then buy insurance to get it repaired. If it's not too late for your fall enrollment see if you can enroll in your colleges student health insurance policy. First check the policy to see if there is any preexisting condition exclusionary period. These are usually limited benefit plans, and you have to start treatment with the campus clinic.  

    Good luck.


  2. Allstate won't insure your house if it's already on fire...

    Go to your campus clinic.  Sorry for the sarcasm, but you have to have insurance in place before you need it not after.

  3. hello,

    I sell discount medical and its 19.95 and it dental,vision and chiropractic and it is accepted  over more than 7,500 participating doctors  free initial consultation 505 savings on all diagnosticservice and required x-rays 30% on treatment and most other service no limit of visits and we provide and 800 number to locate. if interestes call me

    Carmen Washington 252-544-2058

  4. Under your condition,I propose visit here to get some ideas.

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