
What is a good hobby for a guy that can help him meet women

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Hello I am a 25 year old military man recently divorced (about 8 months now) and I am ready to get back into the single field and I was wondering what would be some good hobbies for me to try that would not only be fun for a guy to do but could also potentially allow me to meet single women.




  1. you could start working at a bar or maybe check out a dating website

  2. you can go to a dating website like and see if anyone is like u. or u ca

  3. Reading, in a library. Participate in some activities like running or competition. Browsing in a music shop. Attend a fashion show. Somewhere where there are people with single women around. Even religious activities. Depend on what sort of woman you go for.  

  4. Gourmet cooking is a win/win hobby for a guy...many adult education programs offer classes, and so do many high end grocery stores...

    You attend the class you're interested in, meet lots of girls, single and otherwise (everybody has got to eat, right??!) in a non threatening environment, have a delicious meal, probably learn something new culinary-wise. If the relationship goes anywhere, your tummy will always be happy, too!

    I might also suggest sewing machine repair as a hobby. That's how my single cousin met her husband. :)

    As Red Green always says, "If women can't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy!"

  5. Continuing Education classes at you local Community College ;)))

  6. Charity work is a great way to meet women (but I'm not sure if many SINGLE women do it)

  7. You can volunteer at an animal shelter for dog walking. You'd be amazed at the women who'll come up to you and talk about the puppies.

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