
What is a good home based business to start up that don't cost a lot of money, but you can profit from it.?

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I am looking to start a home based business, but don't know exactly what are the best home based business that are profitable. I have tried 2 so far, but they didn't do very well. So, I and asking you guys for ideas. Thanks in advance.




  1. You can take a look here. It's totally free and you even get a free 3 days / 2 nights vacation trip just for joke!

    Tell you friends as well you can all go vacationing together!

  2. I myself sell digital goods. It can be a lucrative business as everything I sell is 100% profit. I only sell goods with Master Resell Rights or Private Label Master Resell Rights as I have total control over the product I sell.

    Information products sell very well as people are always looking for information and people will pay for good information. If you can carve out a piece of real estate on the net and drive traffic to your site, you can do very well for yourself. Just remember to stay on top of your content and keep your product up to date.

    I found this to be the best way for me. I don't know if this type of business interests you but you can see what my site is all about at:  

    If you have any questions while there you will find an email to contact me. I will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about the business.

  3. offers free home based business information.  The info explores alot of avenues of starting and running a home based business and the Resource Guide they offer is pretty decent as well.  They reveal scams to stay away from as well.  Good info and FREE.  Most of the ideas are low or no investments

  4. Hi Big Red,

    There are a lot of home based business out there that can be very profitable to you.  However, they are businesses not jobs and you can't just "try" them.  Businesses take time to build and they don't happen over night.  Most businesses take anywhere from 3 to 5 years to be successful.  You can make any business successful, you just have to work at it and make them successful by going different routes with them.  You can't "try" them, you have to make it happen.  Trying something in business will only set yourself up for failure.

    My husband and I have had our own home based business in the telecommunications industry for over 7 years now, we made it successful because we put the time and effort into it in order to make it happen.  Your asking for ideas according to your detailed message, so that's one idea for you.  You basically help people on telephone services that they are already using and paying for each month, and put people on services that they don't already have.  You can market in Local and Long distance telephone services, Internet services, digital and video phone services, VOIP, Satellite TV as well as all major cellular phone providers such as T-Mobile, AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, Altell, Nextell etc.  Every month these people pay their bills, you make a percentage.  One way you can make money in this industry.  So that's one idea for you.  If you'd like more ideas, I created a blog on my 360 page on this very topic on home based business opportunities.  Trying to help people find something that best suites them.  Your more than welcome to take a look at it and take a look at the industries that are listed.  They are all businesses that provide opportunities to make a very profitable income for yourself and be able to support anything you want.  But again, they are businesses that you have to build.

    Good Luck to you!

  5. I used to be in quixtar and amway which relied heavily on contacting random strangers at the mall etc and getting people into your business.  While the principle maybe sound, I found it difficult keeping people in my business.  One thing you might want your future business to utilize is the internet and your time.  You want to make sure you can reach the most amount of people and use the least amount of your valuable time.  Since you're in college, I'm sure you  need to spend time studying and attending classes.  Quixtar/Amway took up waaaayyy too much time and money.  The business I current am in, uses the internet to gain leads automatically and all I have to do is follow up with these hot leads by phone or email.  All my leads are people who are interested in my business or product in some form or fashion.  I do not have to do any sales pitch since they are already interested.  So only spend a few hours a week calling my leads and helping people start up their business.  Nothing requires me to step outside of my door for this business.  Let me know if you want more info.  I have included some websites for you to look at.    

    Good luck and have fun in college while you can.

  6. I looked at so many different companies to work with (they all seemed like scams or too hard to make money doing) and finally gave up... then I stumbled across Uppercase Living and completely fell in love!

    Check out my website The products will interest anyone (which makes selling products super easy), there are several things for anyone with any decorating style, and the prices are actually affordable.

    Click on "join my team" it will go over a quick overview. Contact me anytime for more info, I'd love to help you get started and explain more about becoming an independent demonstrator.

    I'm sure you'll have lots of questions and I can help answer them. Please contact me and we can talk more :)

  7. What have you tried so far? What happened? I know there is a lot of scams but I also found that people sometimes get into things that may not have worked but it wasn't because the company was a scam, it is usually do to lack of training and/or support. Or maybe they just weren't comfortable with it so they didn't really put in the effort. There are a lot of great opportunities out there but it doesn't end with just finding the "legit" one. There are many other factors to consider. I have a lot of experience in this and would be happy to help you or answer any questions you have. Email me anytime.

  8. I have hundreds of friends and associates......none of the guys or girls have ever made any money on these Internet businesses......if they had they would be talking about it and I would be in on it........SCAM

  9. Most work at home schemes are scams.  Before you consider any of them, check out what the Postal Inspection Service has to say about them…

  10. I've done very well with LMS Fragrances corporation

    Check out my site where you can also sign up:

  11. There are a lot of wonderful Home Based Business out there....

    However, I found an AWESOME HBB that is VERY PROFITABLE and it allows me to be a Stay At Home Mom!  I have been with this company for almost 3 year and cannot imagine not doing it.  We make 30% IMMEDIATE PROFIT and I am bringing home NO LESS THAN $250-300.00 each time I go to "work" in just 2 short hours!  To Learn More, I would love to chat with you about this amazing business opportunity!

    See my site at... to learn more and  or email with further questions at  

  12. I work for a great company that I have been very happy with.  They don't have a big "buy in" either.  Email me and we can chat a bit and see if it might be something you would like.

  13. What have you tried?

    There are heaps of businesses you can do. What are you good at?



    Fixing Things?



    What is your long term goal? Making lots of money or just some cash to help out?

    Answer all these questions and you will soon nail down what might be appropriate for you.

    My advice is find something that you can make into passive income as fast as possible. This way - you can set it up once and the money still rolls in afterwards.

    Adsense can so this for you. How about write an eBook and sell it?

    The internet has lots of make money online scam and ideas. So you need to be careful. But you can make money online.

    Do you research and learn as much as you can.  

  14. try the Mary Kay cosmetics.  It is 100 to start and if you start before 8/31 you can mail in for your rebate and it will costs abosluetly nothing.

    for more info...

  15. A website that has a list of free or low-cost business opportunities is .  

    Good Luck!

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