
What is a good hostess gift to take to Argentina for the person hosting a college student for 5 months?

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What is a good hostess gift to take to Argentina for the person hosting a college student for 5 months?




  1. My suggestions are:

    For him --> Birng what ever do you want of Consumer Electronics or IT, here those type of hardware are really expensive, and you can buy a DVD Player in US for USD30, and here cost USD 120.

    For her --> You can bring what ever do you want of clothes, there some brands that are not availble here, GAP, Banan Republic, Victoria Secret, etc.

    Other options, off course are something tipical from your country, state, city....

    But the first two are something they will love to use...

  2. Some artsy craft made in your state/region. Argentinians are for the most part urbane and cosmopolitan. Do not stint on the gift. They'll know right away.

  3. A present that can be enjoy by the whole family. Like some typical food, or craft or a book from your region/country.

    Anything coming from your heart will do, the important thing is that you are showing your appreciation and that is more than anything else.

  4. Dulce de Lache and Empanadas.Something they know about.Anything,that is not Argentine,is not worth having. After all,God lives in Argentina and they don't mind you knowing the real facts.

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