
What is a good hotel to stay in near Ciampino Airport in Rome?

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just staying overnite do not need anything fancy but would like clean. and reasonably priced.




  1. Ciampino Airport is about a 45 minute to an hr bus ride from Rome's Termini Train Station. If you just need to stay a night you may want to check into a hostel near Termini train station because you'll save alot of money and its convenient. I think on the east side of the station is where Ryan Air drops/pick up people going to and from ciampino air port for around 10 euro. I knew a student that worked at a hostel near Termini and i think the name of it was the Pop Inn Hostel. I would send them an email or call them to see how close it's to the shuttles that goes to/from ciampino. Good luck and i think spending a night in a hostel is the way to go.

  2. Can't remember the name of the hotel, but check how to get from Ciampino to Rome, I just got on a random bus that dropped me in the middle of nowhere, I managed to get an underground train in the end!

  3. Hotel Meeting is good hotel and Ther are another several Hotels, Just check with key words hotels near ciampino airport, I took that way, meeting hotel is more close and Victor Hotel, Giadino D' Europa  and Pala Cavicchi are some other Hotels near airport

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