
What is a good hour long typical swim workout?

by Guest67021  |  earlier

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I used to be on the swim team when I was younger and my coaches would have planned workouts that included different drills (streamlines, sprints, kickboard kicks, etc...). I would like to start swimming again for about an hour a day, but I think if I just swam for an hour I could find myself bored... Does anyone know a typical workout for a hour long swim workout?




  1. 4 -100s free / back by 50 on the 1 30

    4 -100s in kick on the 145

    10 -25 kicking on the the minute

    5 -25 kicking on the 55 sec

    3 -25 on the 50 sec

    1- 50 easy choice

    8  -25 under water kick one breath

    1- 50 easy choice

    6-25 dolphin jumps (if you know what it is)

    6-25 jumping on the black lines  5 times

    thats all i can think of

    this could be too hard or too easy

    depending on your age

    and i swim for 2 hr. a day and im 10

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