
What is a good illness to use as an excuse for skipping class for a week?

by  |  earlier

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*it needs to last for a week.

*full recovery after a week (no signs of illness at present).

*not too serious but serious enough to prevent me going to class


The real reason i missed class: my gf of two years broke up with me and i was extremely depressed. literally couldn't get out of bed for a week (but of course i can't say that to my tutor, can i?)





  1. chicken pox.

  2. MRSA. MRSA infection is caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria — often called "staph."  It is contagious.

  3. severe depression

  4. the kissing disease whats that  called umm mono

  5. well say you brokre your right collar bone and the docter recomended a week out of until the sling would come off and you can't right because of the sling.

  6. The flu for sure, hon. Tell them it started out as what appeared to be a cold, but the first day you started getting the chills and you threw up the next morning and it just got gradually worse (this all actually happened to me this week, ha, and then it turned into another cold! so it's actually going around, which makes it more believable).

    I'm really sorry about your girlfriend.. I know how much that hurts. I wish you the best, I really do.

  7. paranoid schizophrenia....and if they doubt it, then.....infectious monucleosis (the "kiss" disease) caused by cytomegalovirus.......

    If even so, they dont believe you, then think of "social phobia crisis", induced by a teacher you dislike........

  8. stomach flu!!!!!!!! throwing up constantly!!!! hehe, it works

  9. Myocardial infarction.

  10. Just say you had personal issues. Depression is counted as an illness.

  11. Well, anything that is a REAL illness, and something that is contagious. Depressed or not, get over it. The world doesn't revolve around one person's personal relationship, and doesn't come to a screeching stop when one ends. It's a fact of life, when you get to the "real" world, an employer isn't going to look too fondly on you skipping work because you ad your girl broke up. This might sound kind of harsh, but it's time for you to wake up and smell the roses. Life can really suck sometimes bro. Been there, gone through it all (but I didn't skip school-- and I was with the girl for 5 years!)  If it was THAT bad, go see a psychiatrist and get on some prozac or something....

  12. puking!

  13. Conjunctivitis, I just had it, cant go into work cause it's highly contagious. No identifying marks, just red eyes.

  14. very bad back pain like im having

  15. Mono isn't believable because it takes you usually more than a few weeks to even months to recover.

    I vote food poisoning. If your tutor asks, say it was S****y pizza.

    I hope you do feel better though.


  16. tell them your pregnant and needed to see the doctor

  17. say you had Mono its highly contagious and will definitely put you out of service for at least a week.

  18. yeah you could say that get a letter from a shrink ive done it before. or if you dont want the embarassment the flu excuse always works

  19. food poisoning

  20. how about parasites giving you inflammatory diarrhea--people don't like hearing about other people having diarrhea.

    but if i were you, i'd go to school; cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it.

  21. why thats so lazy just go to school geez

  22. Mono (short for Mononucleosis), or shingles (supposed to be very painful--the chicken pox virus that was dormant in your body becomes active again, and is more painful and you get flu-like symptoms too--David Letterman had this, and he had to get replacement hosts while he was gone).  With shingles, you're supposed to develop blisters from a rash that crust over and don't heal until about 2-4 weeks later, but some people don't get them, and you can be one of them

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