
What is a good job for a 15 yr old that pays pretty well??????

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15 years old and I really need to start making my own money. My parents won't pay for a lot of stuff (Hollister/ AE clothing, cd's, stuff with friends, dance lessons that are $15 a lesson once a week) for me because they think it's to expensive. Babysitting doesn't pay too well because the main people I babysit for only need me like 2 times a month. I make $10 a week giving horseback riding lessons to a little girl on my horse. I'm not allowed to give riding lessons to any more kids and I don't get paid for doing chores because my parents pay for food for the horse. Oh, and getting a job is NOT an option because I do a lot with my youth group. If I got a job, they would fire me like a 2 weeks later because I would need too many days off. I really need some money so I can do stuff.




  1. maccas or a paper run

  2. Try taking surveys or something online.  You'll probably make about the same as you do giving riding lessons.

  3. Best jobs for 15yr olds are McDonalds/KFC/Taco Bell etc.. you can chose your shifts, as you mention you can't work all the time.

    Otherwise, local coffee shops or bakeries on weekends, or go walk through your local mall and identify the shops you would like to work at, get dressed up, and go in and ask if they have any weekend casual jobs available.

    As you get older, crossing over from 'not working' to 'working', your priorities also must change. You mention you have a horse. This can be difficult, as they require your attention and time or grooming and exercise... which may unfortunately impinge on your ability to work. You are lucky your parents are supporting this.

    There may soon come a time when you will have to make some hard decisions between horse & money.  Good Luck.

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