
What is a good job for a 19 year old about to start her sophmore year in college??

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I have a lot of free time when I'm not in school and I want to make more than minimum wage. I know being a server at a restaurant is good for tips but I have already worked at a restaurant and hateee being around food all the time (because all I do is eat and smell like food when I leave)

Anyway I was thinking about working in a hotel (most likely they would not take me as a receptionist because that would be more difficult) but what would be a good job at a hotel and how would I find a position like that in a hotel nearby by house..I live in Los Angeles

Are there any other jobs that you would recommend?? I can use all the answers I can get!! Thanks




  1. Go to the local mall and fill out every stores application  

  2. I would try getting a job on campus. Those will be the best for you because they know you are a college student. Your school should also have a career center where employers post jobs specifically looking for college students.

    Good Luck :D

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