
What is a good job for a seventeen almost eighteen year old?

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I am still in high school but will have a half day so i can work anytime after noon. But I cant work too late each night since I still am in school and I would like to work at a place that is not open on Sunday. Any suggestions?




  1. you can try to see lf you can get into a grocery store

  2. certain malls, or local groceries, try pathmart cart person!!!

  3. Ok there are many ways and levels of money making for your age, for example my son at 16 was making 5,000 a month on line using cpa networks, I can explain this if you have an interest in the internet, but for an idea that is also real simple that you can do anytime and make cash in your own town. Go online and search for rubber templets, you get a set for a few bucks all you need is the numbers 1-10 you can get them so they lock together  get a can of black or white spray paint and a small piece of cardboard now your ready to make cash... every home has an address painted on the sidewalk many are old and faded or not even painted. Knock on the door and tell the people that your raising money to buy a new bike or a b-day gift for your mother and you would like to paint the numbers on the curb for them for about 5 bucks.. My girls do this and make money anytime they want to..Practice on a piece of cardboard first and keep it clean..Good luck

  4. maybe, a part time job at a doctors office, or maybe even a clothing store or a restaurant.

    GOOD LUCK(: !

  5. On Sunday, walk or drive around the business areas where you want to work and see what businesses are closed and write their names.

    On Monday start phoning them one by one and asking if they are hiring. If they say no, ask if they know someone who is, and if they give you the name of a business check it against your Closed Sundays list.

    If they say they are hiring then ask if you can come in for an interview. Wait until the interviews to tell them you want to work half days, not past 10 pm, are willing to work part time, as a temporary employee, etc. etc. Dress for the interview as for a business meeting. And remember to tell them that you are reliable, a hard worker, and a team player.

    Good Luck!

  6. work at a restaurant, cashier at a grocery store, you could also work at a clothing food place, etc.

  7. internship at goldman sachs

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