
What is a good kids book that explains the difference between boys and girls?

by Guest66711  |  earlier

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I am currently babysitting for a friend's 8 year old boy. He was asking me what the difference between boys and girls are. I need a book to help on this awkward question.




  1. A) There's nothing "awkward" about the question. And B) Why do you need a book to answer it?

    If you really need some sort of reference material, check out the website below.

  2. Let's talk about s*x is a good one that schools use.

    To be honest, it sounds like he is doing it to make you feel awkard. Tell him a stork dropped him off. That's what my parents told me, and I believed it until I was 7.

  3. There is nothing awkward about the question, except how you're feeling of course.  

    Here's the deal, he's 8 years old.  Old enough to be curious and ask, but may be not old enough to understand the answer you think he is seeking.  Be general with your answers.  Basic physical differences, basic going to the bathroom differences, basic reporoductive differences (girls when they are adults - women - can have babies. Where do babies come from?  The mommy's tummy.  How does it get there?  You decide how deep you want to go - religious belief plays a role here too) the idea is keep it VERY SIMPLE and VERY BASIC.  In the next few years, he will want to know more, and will be more ready for more answers.  

    Don't assume that because he's asking, he's asking for the full distinction between boys and girls.  The birds and the bees talk will come later.  You just have to satisfy his curiosity. And be the person that he feels comfortable talking to.  If we make this discussion a "difficult" one or one that is "taboo", that will set the stage for his view on the topic going forward.  

    It's normal to be curious and normal to ask.  And it's OK to say to him "What do you think the differences are between boys and girls", and take it from there.  All you may have to say is a little more to clarify something.  It's also OK to say "I don't know"  and "When you get a little older, I'll explain it to you better". (if he asks further).

    Hope this helps.

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