
What is a good kit car to get?

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I want one that's not too expensive. It should be more of a sports car type of kit car because I don't like those pre-50's bubble cars. They're ugly. I was thinking a Caterham 7 or something like that. So something sort of in that area. I also looked at the Factory 5 gtm but that might be a little too expensive. I know this isn't much room to work with but people on Yahoo! Answers are smart. You guys will think of something...




  1. Try a locost.  It's a Lotus 7 knock-off, and very cheap to build.  Good Luck

  2. Before you buy, make sure you are getting something you can complete.

    I was looking at the one marketed by flyingmiata. It is a Caterham type seven in approach, but it uses a the Miata power train. There at one time was the Rotus also that I was looking into.

    I an still working out my plans but it will be for something a little retro in looks (late 30's).

    The Cobra kit cars are nice when done, but they have a lot more work to them.

    The exotics like the Ford GT-40 clones would prove to be a night mare for some ones first attempt.

    The bottom line to me is the Westfield would be my choice (if I ever total one of my Miata's).

  3. Plymouth Prowler, its kinda like a hot rod.

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