
What is a good legal drug to try?

by  |  earlier

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I want to try a legal drug that gives you a good buzz or some feel good effect so if somebody likes a legal drug please tell me I am not underage.




  1. Your probably are not the same kind of person as me, I think the best legal drug for me is caffeine, jet-alert pills to be exact, they make me feel more happy than any other drug I tried, hard to explain.

    After that there's alcohol it def. gives me a buzz. There's some "real" legal drugs out their but I never tried them so I really can't refer you to them.

  2. take a bunch of nutmeg

  3. salvia. its expensive though. it'll be in any local smoke or head shop. its like an acid trip X10 but only lasts 5-15 minutes. its fun to try i guess.

  4. who cares if you are underage or not it is illegal to "try" other peoples legal drugs.....if you are talking about prescription drugs......if you are looking for drugs over the counter that will give you a "buzz" get a life!!  

  5. if you want to feel good try meditation.

    if you get real good at it, it can feel like a outer body experience.

  6. Why not try meditation and get a natural high without harming your body - drugs are for losers.

  7. actually this isn't a drug but if you try huffing starter fluid. it feels pretty good. get some starter fluid and spray on a rag and sniff... it gets you a good high

  8. salvia- not saliva, salvia its like a drug thats legal with halucinatiosn kind of like weed or something search it in wiki- wait ill do it for you



    i coudnt post link just search up this salvia divinorum

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