
What is a good legitimate website for opponents of holistic (alternative) medicines?

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What is a good legitimate website for opponents of holistic (alternative) medicines?




  1. Just to clarify, not all alternative medicine is holistic, and not all holistic medicine is alternative.

  2. This one I use all the time. It has saved me more than I can count.

  3. Quackwatch is biased, from the opinion of an arm chair skeptic, who never tries anything out, or interviews any of the patients trying the remedy.

    Stephen Barrett, owner of Quackwatch, admitted in court he did not complete his psychiatry degree, and thus is a quack since he goes to court and says his a psychiatrist. Read this

    He also seems to be funded, having been to numerous court cases, how can a retired man afford all that. The pharm cartel are supporting him big time, its obvious.

    I am a medical student, holistic medicine is used by GP's, holistic means they treat the entire body, for instance if a patient presents with the chief complaint being backpain, a reductionist or mechanistic approach would be to prescribe painkillers;

    On the other hand, a holistic approach would be to look deeper to the root cuase, they may be suffering from depression or a number of other things, or lack of exercise, poor eating habits/lifestyle, CFS ect.

  4. Well there is one called  It has some accurate information.  But it also containes a lot of errors.  It is run by a bitter old man who believes he is evidence based.  But you have to take the info with a grain of salt.  But there is some accurate data.  It searves a purpose despit the lies.

  5. I actually agree with Opus

    Professors response is good too.

    I guess the main answer to your questions depends on what you define as legitimate.  If you want one which gets mainstream attention, that's easy, but if you want one that is not funded by a PR company and biased, that's very difficult.

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