
What is a good line to tell a ho that has been sniffing around by husband?

by  |  earlier

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I have got her number throught the mobile phone sim card.




  1. There is no good time, because if you phone her she has the satisfaction of knowing that she has upset you.

  2. agree with dunrobin - just makes more fun for her

  3. anything that you say to her will first bring you down to her level.  and then to top that she will know that she is getting your goat, and once she knows that she is under your skin, you've lost.  i say rise above it and don't say a word to her, let your old man have it between the eyes.  remember it's a 2-way street.

  4. It's not her that is the problem,it;s your husband (if he takes the bait) if you trust your husband it does not matter who flirts with him.If your husband has not done enough to give him your trust,than you need to address that with him

  5. Get yourself a good quality Marker pen and write:

        'Iv'e had the Best - You Can Have The Rest'

    on his **** when he's asleep.

    Best wishes

  6. Who gives a sht what she's doing, because they're everywhere.  I would worry about what he's doing.  If you feel uncomfortable with him? That is the question.  

    You have to talk to him about it and you have to be honest.  You cannot wonder or worry about anything in a marriage.  Just say you don't like this and it better stop.  His reaction will tell all.

    Good Luck

  7. the person u need to speak to is your husband, she would not be calling him if he didn't want her to.even if u did call her, do u think it would make a difference to her, she probably already knows he is married.women who pursue married men have an agenda, they want what u have.

  8. I would ask why he kept her phone number on his mobile? Adultery is a two way street. Its him you need to tackle not her.

  9. She probably wouldn't pay any attention to you even if you threatened to kill her.  Best thing to do is say something to your husband, he is the one supposed to be faithful to you, and he is also the one you should be most upset with.  Confront him.    

  10. You don't say anything to the woman. Your husband should have more respect for you. If you trust him there is nothing to say. If you don't trust him then you address the issue with him not her. She owes you nothing.  

  11. Tell her that your H gave you an FYI about her full-time "job" prostituting herself and that if she continues to "prostitute" her "class-LESS" self, you'll be notifying the proper authorities about her whereabout's. But then again your sure EVERYBODY already knows what a HO-BAG she is & they'll need no additional info. about where to find the HOOKER that she is! ;-) (wink, wink).  

  12. say do u want my husbands new mobile number its 0773472 0 1 2 1 Do one!!!! itwould be better if u said it over the phone tho. Good luck :) xx

  13. Don't tell her anything.  He's a grown man and should be able to ward her off himself.

    If you call her and tell her to stay away from your man, you will appear insecure and weak to her, and she'll use that against you.

  14. So hubby's calling her? And you think she's the one "sniffing around"? Wake up and take your man to task. No one makes a faithful partner cheat, so he's out there looking. Your problem lies with him, with your relationship. Otherwise no ho is going to make a difference.

    Women other women don't "steal" your husbands, boyfriends, etc, unless they are out there wanting to be "stolen".

  15. tell her how u feel or make ur husband tell her!

    if u c her tho give her a quick smack nd run! lol

    ly x x x x take care x x x x

  16. my friend got some buisness cards made up and sent her a message of what they said and posted them all around the area and left them in local pubs the cards said " ring sandra whenever u need a cheap shag cause his old bag dont care about ur life even though his got a wife" and then it had her mobile number on the bottom. haha it was quite funny

  17. How did she get his number....maybe that is the bigger for doing to him not her........if you do you will only make it seem like you are unsure about her and give her more motive

  18. If I catch you contacting my husband again I will F**k you up *****

  19. "I know who you are and where you live...If you want my husband...I will be at your house after work to discuss my terms. P.S. I will be there after target practice."

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