
What is a good mens shaving cream for super sensitive acne prone skin??

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my boyfriend is 22 and has SUPER sensitive acne prone skin so he cant really shave very often because it irritates his face and hurts him. i'm looking to find him a shaving cream or a kit that will be better on his sensitive skin so he can shave more than once a week because he looks so scruffy all the time and i dont really like kissing the scruff. i would prefer it if it werent too expensive but if the stuff really works i am willing to spend some money on it.

any good suggestions?? thank you!




  1. Edge Sensitive skin (Orange can)  is a good brand that works for me.  Also, Gillette makes one, but it has a scent/perfume and that could irritate your acne symptoms.  

  2. There's a gel for sensitive skin made by "Nivea for Men".  I have really sensitive skin on my neck and it keeps me from breaking out. I also use a high quality triple or quadruple blade razor made by Gilette or Shick.

    Good luck

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