
What is a good mileage for a used honda or a toyota car that i can get for $3500?

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What is a good mileage for a used honda or a toyota car that i can get for $3500?




  1. If you find a used honda or toyota under 3500.00 just buy it regarldless of the miles.  I sell toyota's and if I had 15 3500.00 toyota's or honda's here, we would sell them all.  If it runs, buy it.  from your friendly toyota dealer :-)

  2. 98 Honda Accord or Civic

    98-00 Toyota Corolla or Echo 00

  3. milage or gas milsge? milage would prolly be like 135000. hondas and toyotas last forever.

  4. It depends on the car and the motor. My husband has a Corolla that gets almost 35 MPG.

  5. I'm selling my 97 Acura with 165k miles for 3k.  So for $3500 you should be right under 150k

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