
What is a good morning school routine that includes these things?

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i need a good routine in the morning that includes all these things so i can still have some time to just relax. any ideas to go quicker with these things or do 2 things at once?

i have about 50 mins to do this:

do hair 10 mins at most

eat 15 mins (slow eater)

brush teeth 2 mins

shower 10 mins

blow dry 5 mins

get dressed 5 mins





  1. I used to eat and do my hair at the same time. I would grab a bowl of cereal or a poptart up to my room (or sometimes an instant breakfast - they taste like chocolate shakes with tons of vitamins. Really tasty)

    And then I would take a bite, blowdry my hair, take a bite, straighten, take a bite etc.  

    Because if you're a slow eater, you can chew and do your hair at the same time. :D

    Or if this doesn't work, just get into the habit of waking up 10-15 min. earlier so that you can get completely ready and then relax for a few before heading out the door.

  2. first take a shower at night ,it'll save u 10 min .second eat a small meal  ,h    with a glass of milk.try doing your hair at night if you straighten it ,how messed up can it get.

  3. Some people in college would take a shower and brush thier teeth at the same time.

    You could sit down and listen to music while u do your hair (relaxing)

    Could u do your hair the night before

  4. Well you would certainly save time by doing your hair AFTER your shower.

    My suggestion? Get up 90 minutes before you have to leave if you want to relax, or relax while you eat. Brush your teeth in the shower.

  5. i shower at night, and blow dry my hair or let it air dry through the night.

    then i will straighten or curl it in the morning.

    DO THIS, IF YOU CAN! it saves soooo much time. (if you have to shower, just wash your body in the morning, and brush your teeth in the shower!)

    pick out your clothes the morning before and as weird as this sounds, make sure you good to go with the under garments. i would also want to wear a white shirt or bottom and realize that my tan or white under garments are dirty or buried in my drawer.

    so figure as much out as you can the night before.

    if you ride a bus or drive, pick out quick breakfast.

    i drive so i will sometimes bring my bagel or granola bar in the car.

    if i want cereal, i save that for home, the milk goes EVERYWHERE.

    and if this all fails, get up earlier, i know it sucks because its early enough, but i would rather do that then feel stressed and rushed.

  6. Practice your hair routine and make it faster.

    Eat smaller portions or eat faster.

    Brush your teeth as you already are.

    Reduce your shower to 8 minutes.

    Blow dry upside down, it blow dries faster.

    Put your clothes out before going to bed and in the morning put them on fast!

    I hope this helped. :)

    I have a question. If I live in Canada and I want to call long distance in Cananda, not out of Canada, how much will it cost? Is it 10 cents per minute?

  7. shower first so your hair can have time to dry a little by itself, and wont take so long to blow dry..get dry hair..brush teeth.

  8. get up,

    brush teeth while in shower,

    dress & do hair (including blow dry- unless you are running late then skip blow dry)

    leave bathroom

    go eat something

    leave for school

    Good luck

  9. I have a very similar schedule and it's working very well for me. It goes something like this.

    -get up

    -brush teeth


    -get dressed

    -blow dry

    -do hair


    I eat last so I don't rush through my meal and have time to enjoy it.

    if you really shake out your hair and towel dry it well it will take a lot less time to dry.

    -Good luck  

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