
What is a good mouthguard?

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  2. Get one from the dentist.  I've had countless ones from the chemist (that you mold in hot water), and they were all bad.  I had to keep my mouth clenched to keep it on my teeth, the dentist ones stay on your teeth so you can still yell at your team mates.

  3. Ideally, you should go see your dentist to get the best mouthguard possible. They will help by getting you one that best fits your mouth and teeth. However, this could be a little more pricey than you want.

    Alternatively, I haven't had any problems with any mouthguard inthe past, as long as you mould it properly to your mouth (and trim the size down if necessary). However, ask at the sports store you get it from and they will tell you the best way to mould it to your mouth,

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