
What is a good name and color for a cheerleading team?

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am the leader so i got to find a new color and name for our team can someone HELP ME PLZ!!!!!!




  1. how about gold and black hawks

    or the yellow and blue wildcats

    or the orange and black tigers

  2. (teamname/schoolname/state/city) X-TREME

    and cute colors would be like an orange black and white =]

    or purple black and white.hope this helped and goodluckk!

  3. What about purple as your color and you can go by "The Queens" or "Princesses" since that is the color of royalty. Or try silver or gold and be the "Shooting Stars" or "Sun Rays." Or how about pink, and being the Flamingos? LOL

  4. (where ever your from) jags

  5. The ___(School/State/Team Name)____ Blood-murder-Death-Kills.

    Instead of regular cheerleading gear wear blood stained medical smocks and surgical masks with creepy Jack o' lantern smiles drawn on them and do your make up like zombies and all your cheers could revolve around the tastiness of humans. You could make a point to put into all your cheers how humans are low in calories but high in BRAAAAAAINS!

    Instead of pom poms you could wave severed heads.

    If anything, people will remember you. Think about it.

  6. NAMES: Warriors, Bulldogs, All Stars, Pirates

    Any bold colors can do. Try to have one color be black, white, silver, or gold.

  7. Libery All-Stars

    your uniforms could consist of a red crop top with blue trim and white writing. the skirt could be red with blue trim and a star on the bottom left hand side in white. you could get nike stamina shoes with a red check.

    you could use blue and white pom-poms and have red-white-blue hair bows with star accents.

  8. "The Vampire Slayers". Instead of using pom-poms, use wooden oak stakes.

  9. name: Seaside Cheerleading Team

    colors: light bue pom poms and your outfits can have like a seaside on them and can be like dark blue and light or sunlight color something.

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