
What is a good name for a Shaman on World of Warcraft?

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im making a Draenei shaman and wonderin what a good name is for it... any1 have any good sudgestions???




  1. The answer depends whether you're intending to try to have a name relatively faithful to the game lore and game universe, or if you're trying to have an amusing or memorable name.

    While I can't help much with the latter, I can help with the former.  Draenei names seem to have a few common themes: they tend to have two to four syllables, usually of the simple Japanese-style "consonant sound+vowel sound" formation (ka, shu, zha, do, to) some have repeated vowels (Zhanaa, Muaat), and the names of Broken draenei (the ones who became shamans originally) seem to tend toward the more nasal or softer voiced sounds, like M, N and B.  Nobundo, for example, is a famous shaman.

    Other names of major draenei NPCs tend to be short, such as Velen, Sedai and Dyvuun, though there are a few longer draenei names, too.

    One important factor: Draenei names are almost always single names, with no last name, and often only a single occupation-related title (e.g. Harbinger Mikolaas, Prophet Velen, and Anchorite Mayuri), though very few draenei shaman appear to have occupation titles (a few exceptions are unique titles: Farseer Nobundo, Earthmender Sophurus).

    Overall, there's no absolutes on their names.  Try a few things until you get something that sounds like a draenei name.

  2. Tae-Roo Kwan

  3. How about george

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