
What is a good name for a fantasy football league? Something unique that will be remembered.?

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Maybe something that sounds somewhat majestic, or is written in Latin. Any ideas?




  1. "The Sports Flick League"

    Each team has to be named after a sports movie.

  2. The Pseudo-Jocks

  3. If you are feeling like you have a good chance to win, the go with the classic:

    Veni, Vidi, Vici (I came, I saw, I conquered)

    Victurus te saluto (He who is about to win, salutes you)

    If it's an Auction league:

    Caveat Emptor (Let the buyer beware)

    Then there is always:

    Carpe Cerevisi (Sieze the beer)

    In Vino Veritas (The truth is in Wine)

    Liberate te ex inferis (save yourself from h**l)

    Luke sum ipse patrem te  (Luke, I am your father)

    Monstra mihi pecuniam (Show me the money)

    Non est mea culpa (It's not my fault)

  4. Wahply Adolphlace


    (Wah-plee)  (Uh-dull-flace)

  5. Mine is: The French Ticklers

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