
What is a good name for a female vampire (first and last plz)?

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I'm going to write a book about vampire's and I need help with names. I want really romantic names that are kinda old. I also want them to be a bit vampire-like too. I don't want any weird names like "Darky" or anything. I just want real names.




  1. Old Roman names!






    last names:







  2. morgana smith


    i hope smith isnt too non romantic for you

  3. Val Cryptino

  4. Anita Bitahoe

  5. Vilatra Chupotin ( sounds russian/romanian)

  6. you should look at a list of girls names from around the time that you want your vampire to of been born

  7. how about vampirella?

  8. How about Barbie? as in Transylvania Barbie....

  9. Takilra Amon

  10. Have you considered perusing listings of girls names such as parents-to-be use? This could be a book from the library or on-line. Try typing in "girls names" on your search engine. Listings often come with their meanings which may be additionally helpful. The same goes for surnames.

    Using the world of book & film fiction may help, though you must be careful not to plagiarise someone else's work.

    Whether you find biblical, classical, historical or pagan names most useful depends on the true chronological age & the personality of your character.

    I hope you find this useful.

    Incidentally, I named the High Priestess card from my Tarot deck ' Violet Moon' to help me learn the cards qualities. Any good?    

  11. Vera Durango

  12. Some Romanian names:

    First names: BOGDANA, BRÂNDUȘA, CRINA, DOINA, FELICIA, IRINA, LIVIA, LUCIA, PETRONELA, VIORICA (I like this one, it means "bluebell," pronounce "Vee-oh-REE-kah, with the "r" rolled)

    Surnames: Antonescu, Balcescu, Banica, Dimitru, Dodrescu, Kazaku (I like this one, it alludes to the Kazakhs), Popovici, Saguna, Vladu

    In Romanian "c"s are pronounced as "ts" before "i" or "e," or as a "k" everywhere else; "g" as "dzh" before "i" or "e," and as a hard "g" everywhere else; "ch" as "k" before "i" and "e;" "gh" before "i" and "e;" and "i," when at the end of a word, is hardly heard at all (Popovici="Pop-oh-VEETS with a slight uh at the end).  Otherwise, just pronounce "i" as "eee."  When you want the "ee" sound at the end, there are two "i"s.

    Romania's Transylvania area is certain the first name we associate with vampire legends, due to Wallachian Prince Vlad Dracul the Impaler leaving an indelible mark on the Carpathian region.  Romania and the surrounding areas have for centuries been subject to neighboring kingdoms, Hungary and later Austria-Hungary leaving the most influence.  Could your vampiress be a descendant from Hungarian royalty?  Báthory Erzsébet (Elizabeth Bathory--surnames take first position in Hungarian names) was a Hungarian countess famed for killing hundreds of her maidservants to bathe in their blood to keep her young.  Here are some Hungarian names and royal surnames:

    First names (or last?--since they traditional come after the surnames): ANASZTÁZIA, BEÁTA, BORBÁLA, CSENGE, CSILLA, EMESE, ERZSÉBET (an allusion to Elizabeth Bathory, perhaps?), FELICITÁS, FRANCISKA, HAJNAL, IRMUSKA, JULISKA, MARGARÉTA, SZABINA

    Surnames: Árpádok, Hazslinszky, Hunyadi, Szilágyi, Szapolyai

    Here's a link to Hungarian pronunciation (it's way to in-depth for me to get into in this space):

    Try various Creole, French, Greek, various Slavic, or even African, Asian, etc. sources.  Vampires and similar creatures occupy legends from all over the place.  Just read some wikipedia articles.  

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