
What is a good name for a newspaper, based in the roman times, about roman things?

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i have an assignment in history and i need ideas for the name of a roman newspaper i have to make. please dont just copy and paste lists of things of the net.

thanks guys




  1. You could call it the Roman Times

    or the (name of person or place/building from ancient rome) (bee, gazette, journal, times)

    I don't really know. Be creative and good luck!


  2. The Crucifixion Observer

  3. how bout "When in Rome"

    cuz u noe there's a phrase when in rome do as the romans do or something

  4. If you want a touch of humor, how about "The Caesarian"??  It would play off the title of the ruler as well as an allusion to "spilling the guts" of the news.

    "All Roads" - alluding to the adage that all roads lead to Rome.

    "The Seven Hills Times" - Rome was built on seven hills.

    "Et tu Chronicles" - alluding to the alleged last words of Caesar Julius, who supposedly asked, "Et tu, Brute?"

  5. the centurion.........tom  

  6. The Republic  

  7. You already said it, "The Roman Times."

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