
What is a good name for a ship/boat?

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I am writing an assignment and I need to know a good name for a whaling ship. Got any good ones? thankks:)




  1. Boston-whaler

    Sea Trader.


  2. Miss-Behavin

  3. Is your "writing assignment" going to be humorous? or serious?

    Humorous names might be:

    1. Whooper Stopper

    2. Harpoon's Ferry

    3. Humpback of Nautica d**n

    4. Cetaceans Cane

    5. Pinocchio's Revenge

    Serious names might be:

    1. Whale Road

    2. Blowhole

    3. Basilosaurus

    4. Cetaceans

    5. Jonah's Sequel

    Good luck!

  4. whalers tend to be down to earth type names. Essex, Bedford, nantucket pride, profiteer,Maidstone,Delilah,enterprize.

  5. the chrestopolous

  6. dorris

  7. Before I moved to Aussie I lived on my boat which was an old whalechaser. she was one of 6 sister "ships" that held the latin names of whales. eg Chacalot, Orca etc, some were named such as "Sea Reaper" "Sea Raider" and so forth, then some were named after members of the family that owned the fleet. Mine for example ended up carrying my daughters name and was known as "Smart Alex" (for Alexandra)

  8. Cap't Ahab?

    The Moby d**k?


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