
What is a good natural disaster for a project?

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It needs to be on 1 specific one, as in, Hurricane Katrina, Mt St Helens, i need one with ALOT of avaliable information, easy 10 points for best.




  1. You should do the 2004 boxing day tsunami that affected southern asia. Over 500,000 people died, and some places are too poor that they haven't rebuilt yet. It is very recent (so you can find a lot of newspaper articles and stuff) and there is a lot of information on it. I'm sure you remember it. Just go to google and wikipedia and there should be heaps on it. :)

  2. Try Hurricane Gustov. . .and you will be very current in your info. Plus you can compare the differences in Katrina and Gustov.  Or maybe just call New Orleans a natural disaster.  Why people live below sea level is just asking for it but such a great city.  And don't forget the idea of the climate warming and it's the warmer waters that the hurricanes build in so that there will be more horrific hurricanes in the years to come.

  3. One of the most interesting natural disasters in recent history, in my opinion, is the explosion of Krakatoa. Just Google "Krakatoa" and you'll find all kinds of stuff.

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