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My friend keeps getting called Magoo because she recently got glasses. But since she hates that name, people are calling her Meeka, but she think that sounds like a dogs name... Then came a long Kiki which I don't even get! Next thing you know it'll be Kiwi... lol... anywho all of us have nicknames and somehow she keeps getting the short end of the stick LOL any ideas? =)
Report (0) (0) | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago
My name is Monica my family calls me "Moni" or "Moni Mon". My friend also call me "Moni" along with "Mon ", "JamaicaMon", "HarMonica" there are probably more and I haven't made up any of those my friends and family have and I'm fine with those
Report (0) (0) | 10 years, 9 month(s) ago
Monbon is what I call my girlfriend...
Report (0) (0) | 10 years, 10 month(s) ago
my name is monica . :) and they call me monique .:), sometimes nica
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mon, mon- ( It reminds me of, pom poms )
monicon- ( reminds me of a transformer )
my name i monica like everyone else i get called moni, kiki, monikiki, mah-n***a, moniqua,mon, mo, and many other that idk wheree people get it from!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!
well.. my name is Monica and my friend calls me.... 1) Monday 2) Monny 3) Moni 4) Moonica 5) MooMoo 6) Moon 7) & Sheeka. Lolz i don't know how she got Sheeka but she did.. <3
lol what about. moneyboo!!
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I have the name Monica and I get nicknames like , moonica moon momo mo monique but mostly people call me momo (aka peach)
Male pronounced like the rapper Wale .. only with an M instead of a W
lol people went as far as calling me Santa... u know because of Santa Monica... lol..
but my mom has always called me Male pronounced in spanish not male as in a man.. :-D
Everyone else calls me Mo pronounced also in spanish (mow)
I really like moonie though.. as an email..
Thank you, monicas! ;-)
I'm Monika (with K) too.. =DD Prefer "Monny" or "Monyca".. Or "Moons" ;)
mon or mace or macy
Latest activity: 9 years, 9 month(s) ago. This question has 19 answers.