
What is a good non-verbal way to establish dominance with my dog?

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My dog clearly thinks i'm more of a pack mate than the alpha leader, and i'm paying for it with his bullying behavior.

Problem is, I have this voice that even when i'm furious or angry or trying to be stern, sounds like i'm just kidding. (heck, even my human son bursts out laughing sometimes when I get serious with him- my mom says it's just the way my voice is).

So I need some non verbal ways to show my dog who is boss. Trying to be stern with him verbally dissolves pretty fast. But when he's around someone with a stronger voice (like my mother) then he listens very well and is well behaved.




  1. It's as much to do with body language as voice - and being consistent. Shouting a dog one day and laughing at the same antics the next doesn't make for a well behaved dog.

    It's not a question of dominance, just training. Your dog has to learn that when you say something you mean it.

    As above - try NILIF

    Can't believe it. Someone who says they are a Vet Tech is advocating the Alpha Role. Showing a dog who is boss does NOT involve showing the dog you are physically stronger. Advocating an Alpha role when you have no idea of the size, age or strength of the person or dog involved is downright irresponsible!!!! It can be the quickest way to completely losing your dog's trust - or to having your face ripped off.

    I used to own an Akita - he never even had a smack for misbehaving - he never needed it because he was taught from day one to do as he was told. All he needed was to be excluded from our company for 2 minutes & he was heartbroken!

  2. i sensed with my puppy that she is a little alpha on me o half a month ago. i said , h**l no, im the boss, d**n am i buying the food ar u?, and when she was playing, biting my pants and growling, every time i did the same : i pinn her on a ground gently, so she cannot move (but she trying very much), but she immediately gets idea that im stronger,and then holding her mouth closed with one hand untill she makes a clear noise that she gives up and dont wan to play rough no more. i did that a couple of time and i DID IT!!!  my dog aint biting me no more, she just sometimes goes to my pants like she is gonna do it, but she jums 2-3 times around me and gives up. i was stunned, she really dont wanna mess with me.we just hu and kiss and and play now.and let her get it of her chest with a neigbor do. and i ive her a bone from store, coz i understand shes teething, and her teeth itch co they are growing, and the bone really leg had time to heal...

    it was nothing painfull, but had a effect.

  3. get on the floor with him and knock him down and roll him over onto his back (not hard but forcefully) stradle him and growl in his face while keeping him pinned down. do this several times a day or when hes being a bully. sounds stupid but it worked for a me. i have an akita.

  4. One way to show dominance is next time your dog is laying in the middle of the floor in your way, instead of stepping around the dog step over him. Alfa dogs will do this in the wild with other pack members. Another thing you can do is when you feed him make sure he is watching you, and pretend to eat some of his food. In the wild, dominant males and females always eat first. You can also show him that you have control of his food by holding his bowl as he eats and randomly take it away from him and make him sit to get it back. Or you can also just give him little handfuls of his food at a time (this is another way to show you have control over his food.) You can also work with him in training, get him to listen to you when you give him a command, this will eventually show some dominance. Or you can take him for walks and if you encounter an odd situation that is uncomfortabl for him take charge and he will begin to look to you for guidance. Or you could just practice your voice, and try to sound as stern as possible.I hope this helps. Good luck

  5. my dogs don't listen either only to my boyfriend stern voice

  6. Sounds like he needs to be reminded that the pack leader is also the ruler of the food.  Pack does'nt eat until the leader says so.   So let him know that all goodies come from you, the leader.  

  7. Try NILIF

    add: You can totally skip any of that "alpha roll" nonsense, or pinnning your dog down.  That alpha roll theory has been totally debunked, and is a good way to get bitten.

  8. I have done research on this because I am a female dog owner of two male large breed dogs. There are several ways to express dominance:

    1) Never let him put his feet on top of your feet or hands. This is an expression of dominance. Try placing your bare feet firmly on top of his and don't let him put his back on top of yours. This will assert your dominance. This comes from wolf behavior.

    2) This sounds crazy, but spit in his mouth. Spitting into a dogs mouth asserts your dominance. This is another thing that is practiced in packs of wolves.

    3) Also, don't let him jump on the furniture or on top of you unless you invite him first. If you have to physically push him off while saying no, then that's what you have to do. This is another way dogs try to assert their dominance over you.

    4) Make him wait for things. Eating, for example. Put his food in front of him and make him sit and wait in front of it without eating it until you say the magic word, whatever word you choose. Teaching him to control his urges also asserts your dominance.

    5) Turn your back on him when playtime is over or he is being obnoxious. This is a great signal that works to show that you make the call of when play time is over. The first few times he might still jump at your back or try to get you to play, but just ignore him. He will soon get the hint that when your back is turned, he needs to back off.

    6) If he tends to pull you on the leash. (Walk you instead of you walking him) Try this technique to show him that you control the walks, where you go, and the pace. Everytime he pulls you, STOP right where you are. Turn around and walk back the way you came. He will most likely start pulling you again. do the same thing. Once the dog realizes that pulling you is not going to get him anywhere, he will stop and let you take control.

    Hope this helps!

  9. There are a number of things you can do:

    - stare him down; when giving a command or scolding stare straight into his eyes and don't turn away.  If he won't look at you, take his snout and make him turn to you.

    - make him lay down, turn on his side and expose his stomach so that his top paws are up almost in a pleading, "I give up" stance (I would not recommend the growling in the face).  However, make him stay in this position by keeping your hand on him until you release him.

    - When he does not listen, just use his name + "No" and then give him a "time-out" if the behavior continues (I use just a couple of minutes in our 1/2 bath that is located on our main floor)

    - make him wait for you to go in or out a door first

    - make him wait to eat after putting out his food; also occasionally take his food and toys away while he is eating and making him sit or lay down again before he gets it back.

    - Use the scroff on the back of his neck to get his attention (this is what his mother would have used)

    The key is you MUST be consistent.  Othewise, you will not be taken seriously.

  10. Alpha is more of an attitude of the heart than specific behaviors.  A rescue Aussie attempts to steal the food off my plate while I'm eating...since I am an alpha,  my reaction reflects something on the order of "How DARE you?!" .  My brother, who is a more beta person, would merely be miffed and pull his plate away.  When you are alpha you walk tall, you occupy space, you have presence.  Dogs pick up on this; they read us like books.  Their body language is actually quite similar to ours.  

  11. I recommend watching the Dog Whisperer on the National Geographic channel. I have picked up very useful tips by watching that show.

  12. You need verbal as well.

    The Alpha does a low growl when its not happy. Lower your tone without raising your voice and rise up over the dog saying No in a growling voice. I have dropped a food aggressive dog in its tracks with a single word.

    Conversely raising the tone like a yep of a happy puppy as a reward works to give positive feedback whice is just as important.  

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