
What is a good nontoxic way to get rid of wasps?

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What is a good nontoxic way to get rid of wasps?




  1. Wait until the evening when they are less active and just smoke them out with a smoker.

  2. look for there nest every week and knock them down and smash them they will go eles where.

  3. bug spray is the best answer. it's not toxic. it dosn't kill trees. don't be too enviralmenataly friendly.

  4. If your talking about yellow jackets (which normally make their nest in the ground. If the nest is not in a place that will burn(VERY IMPORTANT) when the temp. dips below  55 degrees in the evening. pour charcoal lighter in the opening and toss in a match. BE VERY CAREFUL. I had them in my garden once and it was plenty far from anything and I used gas.

    Also with yellow jackets traps work good. I have had much better luck using black Cherry wine cooler instead of the bait that comes with it. In fact before I found traps in the store I would leave wine coolers 1/4 full out as traps. worked great.

    The long brown wasps though that make the huge paper nests, don't seem interested in the traps. If you wait till the temp is like 50  ( they are much less active at that temp) you can knock the nest down and again burn it. in the fall when you find an empty nest destroy it or they will return.

  5. My dad gets empty bottles with a small opening, like the orangina cans, or even milk gallon . Then he fills maybe 3 cm high with something very sweet and fruity like fruit syrup. The wasps are attracted they go in and can't get out. If you have a nest, the firefighters can usually come get rid of it. They also sell specific bottles to make such a wasp trap at kohls, very pretty actually.

  6. goto the farm store and buy wasp traps

  7. shoot down the nest with a slingshot if its in the ground burn the with gass

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