
What is a good number of plays you should have for an acting resume?

by  |  earlier

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I'm starting to get into acting right now i have 3 plays under my belt and i was wondering whats a good number of plays to have before i graduate. p.s. I'm 16 and a junior




  1. It depends on how many your school does per year.

    some schools do 2 plays a year. some do as many as ten.

    The answer to your question: do as much as you can. Do everything you can be cast in. All experience helps.

  2. It depends on where you want to go.  If you are planning on going to college, it doesn't really matter the number of plays you have, as they will be also looking for classes, personal experiences, what the experiences mean to you, as well as a million other things having nothing to do with performing.  The number of plays you have been in will be low on the list of importance.

    If you are looking to graduate high school and go straight into acting, then just get as many experiences as it takes to fill a page (which is stapled to the back of your headshot).  If you cannot fill it out with experiences in productions, add in classes, scene work and any awards/honors.

  3. A plethora;

    only if you want to be a serious actor. The more experience the higher possibilities of finding work with casting agencies. Experience is the key!

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