
What is a good object to bring into class to represent the american dream?

by  |  earlier

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and another for the american reality?




  1. dream- something of luxury(picture of an ipod so the real deal doens't get stolen) or representing freedom of speech

    reality- everyday life, like a bill

  2. The American Dream - Bring a brand new dollar bill

    The American Reality - A shiny brand new quarter

    Explain the difference of how much we'd like to have (the dream -- money, family, good schools, affordable healthcare, nice home, etc.) represented by the new dollar


    the reality -- less money than we need, can't attend to families as most families need two incomes, schools that aren't as good as they could be, healthcare that's expensive or not available, homes that aren't as nice as we'd prefer)

    It would be interesting.... and thought-provoking.  Good luck.  

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