
What is a good objective for an office clerk resume?

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What is a good objective for an office clerk resume?




  1. I wouldn't bother putting an objective on a resume.  It's pretty obvious to anyone reading it that your objective is to get the job you applied for, or any other one you apply for.  I see them all the time when people apply and they just don't tell me about the person.

    You could always have a Summary of Qualification statement across the top. about something like....

    Skilled clerical and customer service representative possessing a variety of experience in Tourism and Hospitality, Retail, and Internet Technical Support services.  Versatile and adept with a number of computer applications, and able to multi-task efficiently according to employer and customer needs.

    Probably not your exact job skills but you get the idea, right?

  2. To obtain an entry level support position in a work environment that will enable me to utilize my skills to their fullest.

    (of course you'll need to be able to back this up by stating what skills you do possess.)  

  3. Your objective, just like every other person in the world, is to get a job. Please do not put an "objective" on your resume. Instead, give yourself a Professional Summary. Your resume should list your accomplishments, not your job descriptions. Tell them why you are the best office clerk in the known universe. Why should they hire you over the other applicants. Everyone has filed files. For how many clients/customers have you managed the paper information system? Think numbers. How much, how many, what improvements, etc. And good luck getting the job.

  4. Don't put an objective on your resume. The objective is to get a job, everyone knows that, the objective is a waste of space, put more worthwhile stuff on your resume.

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