
What is a good off the shelf sniper rifle? Brand, model, caliber. perferably one that wont break the bank.?

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What is a good off the shelf sniper rifle? Brand, model, caliber. perferably one that wont break the bank.?




  1. OK -- I wont lecture about the use of the word "sniper"..........

    Mossberg has a rifle called the 100-ATR Night Train chambered in .308.... Its inexpensive and the scope and bipod is included.....

    The .308 is commonly used by the police, military, target shooters, etc.... SAVE THIS WEBSITE....

  2. There is no such thing as an "off the shelf sniper rifle".  You can 'snipe' with any rifle, but a true sniper rifle is accurized, rebarrelled, tuned, bedded and fitted to the sniper it is being issued to.  To have all the work done that the military does to build a sniper rifle would cost you about $8,000 to $10,000 on the civilian market to get done.

  3. Question:  what is a good off the shelf sniper rifle? Brand, model, caliber. preferably one that wont break the bank.?

    Answer:  Any rifle becomes a sniper's rifle after it is used for the nefarious purpose of snipering.  One of the most famous (or infamous) sniper's rifle was a 6.5 Italian Carcano allegedly use in Dallas, TX. in 1963.  That one was purchased for less than $20. US dollars by mail-order.  The infamous Texas Tower Sniper allegedly used a Remington 700 6mm with a 4x fixed-power Weaver scope (and other weapons).  The 700 Remington could be purchased back in the day for less than $120.  More recently those fools in Maryland used a .223...  Get the drift?  

    I wish people would lose the term 'sniper rifle, sniper scope' from their vocabulary.  It serves no useful purpose (especially in the hunting forum) and it is bad PR.


  4. 1. A rifle is not a sniper rifle, unless, the user is a certified sniper.

    2. Any rifle "off the shelf" are only good for one thing and thats hunting. You will need to get a good base gun and at so many goodies that youll be spending over 3000 for the gun to be a "good sniper" rifle.

    3. When buying your rifle, stay clear of the packaged deals(guns/scope combo). These rifles are made cheap and have cheap scope on them and would not be worth modifying.

    Youll need to spend at least $600 on the rifle and at least $500 or more on a scope. and then practice like crazy. the best scope in the world is useless if you dont know how to shoot the gun.

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