
What is a good opening to a paper about Hamas? I need mature and college appropriate ideas please?

by Guest34336  |  earlier

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What is a good opening to a paper about Hamas? I need mature and college appropriate ideas please?




  1. Perhaps your opening could describe the last years of the Ottoman Empire and the take over by the British. (because of the oil) The British (through the brilliance of Lawrence of Arabia) united the Arabs to drive the Turks out of the Middle East with the promise that the Arabs would take control of their own destiny. The treachery of the British to break that promise left the region fragmented and very bitter.  Other colonial nations grabbed pieces as well (the French, Belgians, Germans, etc.) thereby increasing the alienation.

    It would appear that when the various colonial nations pulled out a few decades later, the Americans have slowly tried to fill the vacuum. (the incentive being oil) The UN vote to create the nation of Israel in the 40's was totally supported by the West, thereby lighting the fuse.  As a result, various militant organizations were created including Hamas.

    I believe it is important to lay the foundation of your argument by describing the historical connection.  The key point is that because the Middle East has a LONG history of invasion by foreign powers (and in recent times control of their oil), they see any foreign involvement as detrimental to their own destiny.

    I hope this helps.

  2. Hamas is a terrorist organisation with blood on the hands. They commit horrible crimes against the State of Israel and individual Israelis. They kidnap and torture people and bomb Sderot with Kassam rockets. Hamas should be dissolved and the individual Hamas members should be put on trial like the n**i war criminals in Nuremberg.

  3. You can start by talking about how the beginnings of Hamas have been with controversial, and then talk about the debate over whether Hamas is terrorist or not (to you it may be, but to have a balanced mature paper you'd have to look at both sides). Talk about the elections.

    For fun, throw in a little recent history with Jimmy Carter and his visit.

    An example:

    "When Hamas came into being in 1987, created by Sheikh Ahmed Yassi, the Israel-Palestine conflict was nearing 40 years old, and hope for a peaceful solution to the Palestinian question was fading. Hamas quickly made its orientation clear by carrying out the bulk of attacks against Israel in the First Intifada. Now, over twenty years later, it seems that little has changed. A second Intifada rages on, its fires being stirred by multiple terrible Hamas suicide bombings and brutal Israeli counter-strikes.

    Yet for all the violence, international powers have yet to agree on whether to call Hamas a terrorist organisation. The US, UK and Israel certainly do not hesitate in doing so, yet other powers like China and Russia beg to differ, recognising Hamas as the democratically elected government of Palestine..."

    There. I practically did your paper for you :P. Have fun.

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