
What is a good over-the-counter medicine for muscle aches and pains for runners?

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What is a good over-the-counter medicine for muscle aches and pains for runners?




  1. Advil, Motrin, anything containing ibruprofren will help keep your muscles inflammation down.  I've used Tiger Balm after my runs and also, believe it or not (elite runners do it) after your run, run cold water in your bathtub and sit in it with your legs covered for as long as you can stand it (10 minutes) add ice to it.  This really helps alot, especially for soreness.

    I live about a mile away from a real cold river and taken my shoes/socks off and walked into the river upto my shorts and stood there for as long as I could stand it.  It reenergized my legs and felt good afterwards.  Usually not sore after.

    Ice your legs or sore muscle area (with a flexible ice pack)after your run will do the same thing.  Do it for 10-15 minutes is also a good soreness prevention.

  2. advil has always worked for me

    2 liquid gels

    but aleve works alot for my friends

    but depending on where it hurts.. joints or muscles can make a difference

    you can ask the pharmacist for some recommendation for some OTC drug

    or if you are will to give up your manhood... pamprin or midol for cramps works great on all body aches

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