
What is a good pet bug?

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Please tell me more. Looking for an interesting pet for my 4 boys.




  1. My friend got a lizard....I forgot what kind exactly, but they really enjoyed that it could run accross water....he was pretty cool and responded to them and everything!!!!

    pretty cool

  2. It depends on what you can get.

    A madagascar hissing cockroach is nice.  It gets about 2 inches long, it hisses, and it is slow-moving.  It will hiss when a stranger picks it up, but if it knows you it won't hiss.  

    A walking stick insect is also nice.  There are different species, but the one I've had gets about 3 inches long.  It starts out small and green, then as it grows it turns brown.  It is also slow moving.  The one I had lived just over a year.  It loved tough ivy leaves the most, but would eat a lot of other leaves; and when resting, it hung from the top of the cage.  As it got very old, it needed more tender leaves and would sit on the bottom of the cage.

    Both these bugs are easy to care for and to handle.  If you can't get them from a pet store, you might be able to get them from an educational institution like a natural history museum or a school.

    I personally like Jerusalem crickets, although they do bite.  The bite is just a pinch, not dangerous, and you can learn not to get bit.  They are a little more complicated because they live underground and need fresh dirt all the time, as they p**p in it.  They eat a variety of things, including roots, decaying matter, and insects.  They can also eat dry dog food.  It is interesting to see what they will eat.  You have to catch them yourself, I've never seen one for sale.

    Caterpillars can be fun; you keep feeding them fresh leaves, basically the same leaves you found them on.  Then they will spin a cocoon and later emerge as a butterfly or moth, which should usually be set free, depending on the species.

  3. Giant African millipede.

    Archispirostreptus gigas, the giant African millipede, is one of the largest of the millipedes, growing up to 11 in (28 cm) in length. It lives in tropical and subtropical Africa, in rotting plant life or moist earth, and usually avoids light. It is black in colour, and is often kept as a pet.

    In general, giant millipedes have an expected lifespan of about 7-10 years. They can be handled, and are quite docile and slow moving.

    These arthropods should be fed a variety of fruits and vegetables, the preferred being cucumbers, when kept in captivity. If you mist the terrarium daily, a water dish need not be provided. The best substrate would probably be peat moss, for they like to burrow when shedding.

    My roomate had one as a pet. She was really cool, she'd just crawl around on your hand and munch on fruits and veg.

    Although they are fairly exotic, but easy to take care of and good to show off.  

  4. The Madagascar hissing roach

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