
What is a good pet for a 10 year old girl?

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I was just wondering. what pet would you give to a ten year old girl? Not a dog or cat. Do you think a 10 year old is even old enough for their own pet? even if shes mature?




  1. well it depends on the 10 year old, the pet the 10 year old wants, and how long the 10 year old's pet  is said to live. usually by the age of 13 14 the 10 year old will start wanting to hang out with her friends and go out on dates, and forget all about the pet that she is supposed to take care of. for a 10 year old I would reccomend: a hamster/gerbil, fish or something stuffed.. honestly.

  2. a hamster or mouse =)

  3. i would say a yorky puppy because they don't get big and it is not that much work

  4. no pet unless you are going to help her take care of it. I recommend a fishthat what i got my daughter and i told her if she took good care of it we would advance to a harder pet such as a hamster or gerbil/

  5. a stuffed one

  6. a hamster bunny or gerbil

  7. I think you should get your ten year old girl a pet that you don't mind taking care of. Not that she won't want to, but sometimes girls can get their priorities mixed up.

  8. yea i have had pets since i was born  you should not get a bird because they can bite a little hard unless u get a parakeet they bite but not hard if it were to bite i suggest a ferret or something small but not to small or maybe a bunny

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