
What is a good pet for a ten year old?

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If a kids ten what is a good pet for a ten year old




  1. DOG!!!!!!! :)

  2. A pet is a big responsibility.  First of all, you have to make sure the 10 year old in question is responsible enough to own a pet... if it'll be HIS/HER full responsibility... try it out with something small like a hamster or a Guinea pig... if the child will only participate in the responsibilities, then a dog or a cat are fine.

    Good luck xoxox

  3. my cuzin is a ten year old, i think a goldfish and a bunny wuld be gud

  4. dog and cat

  5. A stick

  6. Will this child have help caring for the pet? If so, I suggest a rat. They are interactive, fun, and incredibly easy to care for. Not to mention sweet.  

  7. I would stay away from prey animals (rabbits and the like)  Because they are usually quite nervous and a ten year old in his/her excitement would probably scare it.  Stick with a predator like a cat, dog or ferret.  A rat would be good if you're ok with it.  But I would get the kids opinion on this because its gonna be  

  8. a dog not that big medium size dog.

  9. giraff

  10. i suggest a hamster or fish, bcuz a dog can get very hard for a child to handle. they wont b able to go any amusment parks, or on vacation, even to the movies without someone to take care of the dog

  11. fish is a good way to start out...less expensive.. not much for you to take care of once the child becomes bored with it...

  12. Maybe a cat or a dog. Depends on what the child likes and wants.

  13. a whites dumpy tree frog  they are cute !! i have 3 i haved since i was 10 im 15 now.they cost about 23 bucks a piece and the tank is about 50 and u need a heat lamp for them !!! but if they are taken care of they can live about 8 years!!!

  14. ferret

  15. A two or three year old cat would be the best. Try to find one at a shelter or humane society. They already know how to take care of themselves, and they can be alone while your child is at school. It doesn't require too much attention and is easy to care for. Good Luck!

  16. When I was 10 I wanted a puppy or an iguana. They got me a puppy which is probably the best pet for a 10 year old.

  17. a hamster or fish?

  18. a puppy. to grow up with the child.

  19. fish

  20. it would be a dog. it's a great choice because kids will get responsible more if they have a pet to take care of. i wouldn't recommend large dogs since ur kid is only 10, but a small or midium sized dog. adopting friendly and active dog will keep ur kid company. as ur kid get older, he can also try cat or bigger dog if he wants.

  21. Honestly, whatever the parents are willing/able to care for. There's a high probability that a 10 year old will lose interest and then it will fall upon the parents to  care for the pet.

    I've known 10 year olds that are very mature and responsible and can easily handle caring for a horse. Then I've know 10 year olds that I wouldn't even ask to watch my fish for a weekend.

  22. the pet he likes

  23. fancy rats are smart and cute

  24. Hampster, Turtle, Quinea Pig, I would say anything small that would teach him/her responsibility. Then you could try a puppy or a kitten.

  25. I would recommend a guinea pig or hamster. They are both easy to take care of but would teach responsibility with cleaning the cage, feeding & watering. Just make sure you get a good cage :)

  26. A goldfish.  They don't bark or make noise or ruin the house and require very little care (just feed every day and occasionally clean their bowl).  Also it's an excellent test to see if they can take care of a more complicated pet later.

    If they do well with the fish, you can get a cat...they're pretty good at mostly taking care of themselves, but do require a bit more care than a goldfish (food and water dish, litter box, occasional grooming, a couple toys, and a soft place to lie down and the cat will be happy...but then, of course, you need to get a cat checked by the vet regularly too).

  27. A guinea pig, hamster, rabbit, or a ferret

    A dog or cat is to much of a resposibility for a 10 year old

  28. If you have ten years old y recommended a fish tank whit a fish named GUPPY because it so easy to keep them alive and happy

  29. a dog

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