
What is a good pet for my kids?

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I have a 3 year old and a 6 year old. I want to get them a pet but I can't think of one that would fit our lifestyle. We have had dogs,cats,fish...almost anything you can think of. None of them have worked out. I'm a very clean person, and I need a good active pet that wont do it's thing all over my house. Any idea's?




  1. I would get them  a chihuahua

  2. A stuffed animal.

    Never get a pet FOR a child. Your kids are far too young to provide even basic care for an animal and they are too young to safely handle them. If you get an animal, remember that you, the parent, will be the one taking care of it. If your kids get sick of it, YOU are the one stuck with it - and your kids will get sick of it.

    Based on what you've said, your home isn't suitable for any animal. Why didn't your dog, cats, and fish work out? All animals eat and produce waste. If you don't want to clean a litterbox or cage or take a dog outside, what kind of pet are you expecting people to recommend? No animals are that low maintenance.

    If you want a pet for your FAMILY, that's another story. Get a pet that you want, and be prepared to take care of it yourself. But do not get it for your kids. Pets are not toys. If you get one and your kids don't like it, what will you do with it?

  3. A giant snake.

  4. rabbits they come in all different sizes and they are lots of fun i got 1 for my birthday when i was about 6

    mine lasted about 5 years but it was already an adult it was about 12 when it died they get potty trained and some big breeds play foot ball i had a neverland dewarf

    please help me;...

  5. Maybe a rabbit! They are some what clean when they are trained to go in their litter box! They are good pets for indoors, they are nice and friendly! And they like attention! They can be out of the cage for a long time and not go on the floor if the litterbox is out as well

  6. Rabbit*


    Guinea Pig*



    Stars (*) are what I highley reccomend!

  7. Rabbits are very delicate and not recommended for homes with young children.  They are also much messier than dogs and cats.  Though they are litter box trainable, they do occassionally leave a trail of poo in your home.  They also shed excessively and their hay makes a huge mess (and they must have hay 24/7).  Bad choice.

    I would wait until your kids are a little older then look into something like a rat, Guinea Pig, or Hamster.

  8. DO NOT give small children rabbits as pets. They don't like loud noises, or a busy environment. They can be messy (which means the adults will be looking after it), should be handled with care, and are all-around bad ideas for small kids.

    The best pets are probably "pocket pets" that live in a cage - hamster, gerbil, mice, etc. An active pet is more so a dog or a cat, cage-bound animals aren't really that spry but are fun to care for all the same. Although any pet should always be mainly cared for by the parents - I wouldn't trust any 3 or 6 year-olds with a living animal.

    Or you could always try birds?

  9. well i would not get them a pet at leAST 9 OR 10 OK

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